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Don't Diet! Just Think And Get Thin

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Stop Complaining and Start Moving to Drop Pounds

Drop Pounds | Drop the Pounds | Dropping Pounds

People always tell me that they are doing the right things, yet they don't drop pounds. If you want to drop pounds, you will need to understand that it is about calories in versus calories burned. If you are not dropping pounds, you are either eating too many calories, and or not burning enough. Additionally, you are not probably doing all the right things that you think you are doing. The great thing is that you can begin right now. Most people over estimate the quantity of food they think they need to eat daily. Additionally, they over estimate the amount of exercise they are truly getting (i.e. Spend more time at the gum talking than exercising, spend too much time waiting between sets, etc….).

If you are not dropping the pounds, you are not doing enough. When I started in the weight loss process, I mistakenly assumed that I could continue without changing my eating habits because I started exercising. I was wrong. I did not drop a pound. I figured out quickly that I needed to change my calorie intake before I could drop pounds.

You can only lower your calorie intake a certain amount. Therefore, the other way to drop the pounds is to burn more calories. It is difficult to succeed at dropping the weight for a lifetime if you don't exercise regularly.

If you’re having problems dropping the pounds, either increase your exercise time and intensity or reduce the calories you take in. Those are pretty much your only two options. One of the things that needs to be done is that you be willing to put a high priority on exercising regularly. This will increase your chances of lowering your weight for a lifetime.

If you want to drop pounds, you should work towards toning your muscles. If you’re not weight training while in the process to drop pounds, you can lose muscle mass and your metabolism may slow down.

If you want to lose weight for a lifetime quit complaining and start moving.

Article Written by: George Diamond (A & C Publishing)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved

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