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Don't Diet! Just Think And Get Thin

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Get Thin | Don't Give Up Your Favorite Foods and Still Get Thin

Get Thin | Get Thinner | Getting Thin

One of the big reason's people don't succeed at getting thin is because they think that they have to give up their favorite foods. People usually want what they can't have, and usually drive themselves crazy over it. They go off of their diet, they binge, and they gain the weight back. This can even stop people from starting the process of getting thin.

The key to getting thin is never to feel deprived. The key to get thinner is to have a good attitude about what you are doing so that you want to do it for a lifetime. The key to get thin is to learn how to balance your favorite foods with lower calorie healthier foods, so that you can get thinner and keep it off.

It's all about balance and portion sizes. Eat ice cream, but eat one scoop. Eat chips but only a pinch. Don't eat lots of junk food in one day. Have what you want, eat it slow, and have smaller portions.

If you are thinking that you can't do this, then you probably won't, and you won't get thin.

The thing that you need to realize is that it is not that you can’t, but that you won’t. You can do what it takes to get thinner. I did it. I really like to eat, and I was able to lose weight. You can do it also. You just have to want it and, be willing to start the process.

When I was overweight, I loved to eat a bowl of ice cream just about every night, and then I would follow it up by having two types of chips.

These days I may have one scoop of ice cream, a small portion of chips, a fistful of peanuts, or have fruit as my snack. However, I don’t eat all of them all on the same day.

How much you eat is a choice. It is your choice. If you really want to get thinner, you will need to make the proper choices. You will also need to be happy with the choices you make.

Let's get started and let's get it done.

Article Written by: George Diamond (A & C Publishing)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved

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