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Don't Diet! Just Think And Get Thin

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Commit and Shed Pounds

Shed Pounds | Shedding Pounds

If you are not committed to shedding pounds, temptation will always be a problem. Think about this every time temptation occurs. When you are at a party and everyone else is eating a lot. When you are thinking abut grabing for the snacks. Ask yourself, "Am I really committed if I eat this?" If you come home from work and you are tired. You think about skipping your workout. Ask yourself, "Am I really committed?" This is because if you are not committed, you can always be tempted. Additionally, if you are not totally committed, it is like you are not committed at all, because there will always be something that can and will tempt you.

Most people don't usually quit losing weight and shedding pounds, they just slowly revert back to their old habits. One day they eat a lot more than they should and don't make up for it the next day. Therefore, make certain that you are committed. Make certain you make the right choices, so that you shed pounds, and stay on the right path for a lifetime.

What does being totally committed to shedding pounds mean?

  • It means not only talking about shedding pounds but backing it up with action

  • It's making the correct choices not the easy ones

  • It's delaying gratification so that you shed pounds.

  • It's not whating what other people are eating. They will eventually wnat your weight-loss results

  • It's focusing on your commitment, and you must have commitment to be focused

What does being totally committed to shed pounds NOT mean?
  • It doesn't mean that you won't mess up. Making messing up is part of the weight loss process. The key is to learn from your mistakes and move on. I made mistakes during the weight loss process and so will you.

  • It doesn't mean that obstacles won't get in your way. It just means that you can't and won't quit. You will just need to find a way over the obstacles that occur.

If you want to shed poubnds, you will need to make a total commitment to it. Half a commitment just does not work.

Article Written by: George Diamond (A & C Publishing)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved

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