The decision to trim down is not a decision unless there are a few trade offs.
Trimming down is about trade offs. It is about trading some of the higher-calorie foods you have with healthier lower calorie foods. It's trading exercise for sitting in your recliner. It is about trading some time in front of the television for activity time. It is about trading not going up for seconds at dinner, for having better mobility. It is about trading double sizing meals at fast-food restaurants for reducing your cholesterol and blood pressure. It is about trading that bowl of ice cream for avoiding diabetes. It is about trading smaller portions of food for smaller shirts and pants. It is about trading big bags of chips for lowering your chances of a heart disease. It is about trading fatty foods, being fatty, feeling better and more energy. Trimming down is about trade offs. What you are ultimately trading for is a longer and healthier life.
Make the right decision, make the right trade offs, and trim down for a lifetime.