Weight Loss Motivation is the Key to Losing Weight
Weight Loss Motivation | Motivation to Lose Weight
One of the first things that you will need to do if you want to lose weight is to develop your weight loss motivation. Your weight loss motivation must be so large that it affects you emotionally. Until that point, you will probably not drop weight, and if you do happen to drop weight, there is a strong probability that you won’t keep it off. That is just the way it is.
One of the things I teach is to find what you find important and to link it to becoming thinner.
What is the one thing that is most important to you?
Is it your significant other?
Is it your children?
Is it your job?
Is it money?
Is it power?
Think about it and write it down.
You need to think about it, and you need to get really emotional about it. This is because until you do, you won't be serious about weight loss, and there is a good chance that you won't start.
The signs of not having a strong weight loss motivation are:
You go from diet to diet and never lose the weight you want.
You lost weight and then got it back.
There is never a good time to begin losing weight.
There are lots of reasons (excuses) why you can't drop weight.
You are always talking about losing weight, but never do anything about it.
You have the desire to drop weight but haven't.
If you can admit to any of the things above, you do not have a big enough reason to get thinner. Let's use the process above to help develop your motivation, so that you can get thinner and healthier.
If you would like more information, specifically on how to jump-start the weight loss process, and get the motivation you desire, visit my blog at: